How to Cancel DreamHost Shared Hosting Plan
If we have new hosting server or new hosting plan or a new hosting provider, we can cancel existing shared hosting from previous hosting provider. For our case, we have a new VPS plan from DreamHost, so we do not need existing Shared Hosting. Here is how to cancelled the shared hosting from DreamHost.
1: Login to your DreamHost hosting management account (user control account) from DreamHost website;
2: Click DOMAINS / Manage Domains menu item from left panel, and double check and confirm all your domains have already been moved to new Web Hosting (Should bind with a new user name which on new hosting server);
3: Click USERS / Manage Users menu item from left panel, delete all old users which are on the old Shared Hosting plan;
Note: If you do not remove all users which are used on your Shared Hosting, you will not be able to cancel the Shared Hosting;
4: Click BILING & ACCOUNT menu item and click Manage Account in the left panel;
5: In the right content area, check Service Plans, you should see a plan named “My Happy Hosting” or any other name if you changed previously;
In the last column named “Ends”, click edit link button:
6: Now you can see a dropdown list which gives you 3 options: **Auto-Renews, End Today **and End After This Billing Period.
Normally, if you are ready to cancel this shared hosting plan (you finished all file and database backup and transferred to new server ), you can select End Today.
7: A confirmation window will popup, you can see refund amount which you can get from this window. Just click OK button to continue:
8: If you have not deleted all users on your shared hosting which was mentioned in above step 3, you will see the below failure information. So you MUST delete all existing users on your shared hosting
9: If you have already removed all users on your shared hosting, click the OK button in Step 7 above, then your Shared Hosting is turning into cancel processing. You have set done for cancelling your Shared Hosting by now.
If you still can not get your Shared Hosting be cancelled, please contact DreamHost support, they will help you to cancel.