Resolve the Strange Character in WordPress Web Page
The one of WordPress site got a wired space when one webpage displayed, When we used inspect tool, we saw a strange character  there, it was just this strange character was converted to space on a web page.
What is the character  ?
 is a kind of "end of line" character - Unicode Character 'ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE' (U+FEFF). \

Normally there are 3 common "strange" characters: EF, BB, BF.
## How to remove the character  ?
There are multiple ways to fix the issue. for example: write a java script function to replace the strange character to a empty string.
But, we think the most efficient way is using the free tool NotePad++ to convert the original file to UTF-8 (without BOM) format.
Menu **Encoding –> Convert to UTF-8.**

After you did the converting, the strange space on web page will gone.